Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hello and welcome to my blog, A Lovely Bunch of Coconuts.

I've thought about writing a blog for ages and since I've been home sick with the flu for 4 days now, bored out of my skull given the lack of entertaining daytime TV, I have taken the opportunity to give it a shot and see how we go.

I don't expect anyone to read this, I'm going to write as if my audience consists of only me so I shall write for my own entertainment.  I'm quite used to entertaining myself so that's ok with me.

Why A Lovely Bunch of Coconuts?  Um, I can't explain it save to say that I had been thinking for a few hours about what to call my blog and I was buttering some toast when it came to me.  I've Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts is a song I remember my dad singing when I was a kid and it's one of those songs that pops into my head every now and again.  It's a pretty silly song and I must admit, I've always loved a silly song.

I don't read any blogs belonging to anyone else, not on a regular basis anyway, so I'm not sure what others do, whether keeping a theme or whatever, but I plan to write about whatever enters my head.  I'm doing it because I think it's good therapy and I enjoy writing and the idea of having some work floating about in cyberspace is a cool idea. 

So that's it for now.


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